Wednesday, January 25, 2012

don't know what to say

have a lot in my mind but can't put it into words, good thing I have the Greatest Helper there is. He can filter all the negative out and keep in me the good. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011


have you made any for the New Year? be sure to put God in the center of it.  Make resolutions that will have a positive end result for you as well as for those you will meet on the way.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fear sucks...pick your butt up

pardon the words...but, let's not get paralyzed by JESUS' NAME, we rebuke fear of the unknown.  STAND UP! in JESUS'name...and MOVE! No weapon form against shall prosper..God is taking care of things that concerns us.GLORY! to my Shield and my Fortress...His name is JESUS CHRIST!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

keep on....don't stop..

I heard this story about an elderly missionary lady that was in a convalescent home, one day another missionary friend of ours (hubby and I) went to minister to the seniors and they came across this elderly missionary, he said the report was, she was way past her 80's and she was in a wheelchair barely able to sit up, but the only thing that she did not need help with kept working and people know she's coming down the hall, when they hear her voice. PRAISE THE LORD!  I was so inspired by our friend's story that I am determined to do exactly like the elderly missionary did.  Keep on telling people about Jesus, Keep on praying for everyone...who knows how many lives will be encouraged or saved by just doing that, even when our feet or hands are laid up?...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

wAiT nO mOrE!

There are actually many people who have been waiting on God to use them, truth of the matter is, God has already given to each of us what we need to do.  The three most ignored things in the work of God are the three most important things to begin a ministry.
1. Teaching the word of God...Sunday School?
2. Evangelism...Passing out tracts and helping the needy, visiting the elderly or sick
3. Prayer ministry...for the church,for the lost, for the sick, and especially for God's needs so His will can be done on earth.
These 3 don't cost any money.  These 3 can be started anytime you are ready. These 3 can be done on your own with the help of the Holy Spirit. So, no more waiting for your purpose, it's here already!


Friday, August 26, 2011

faith that qualifies

recently I felt as if the Lord was pointing out to me that whether  a person has big faith or small like a mustard seed kind of faith, what matters the most is that they have the kind of faith that qualifies...So, you are going to ask me, what is faith that qualifies?  This I believe is the answer to that question:

Examples of Faith that qualifies are found in:
1. Heb. 11:17..Abraham knew that Isaac was the son God promised him.  Isaac is the one who his descendants will come from. But, God is asking for Isaac back. If you read the verse it says Abraham just believed God for a bright and happy future.  Isaac was his future but he willingly gave him up to God.  So, in other words Abraham gave up his future and because he did that, God gave his future back to him and much more.  Faith that qualifies is believing God for our futures.  Is God asking you to give back what He gave you? Abraham upon giving back Isaac to God got his future back with more than he probably expected.

Monday, August 15, 2011

It's time for change

Nicodemus did 3 things to bring change to his live:
1. he went to Jesus
2. he talked with Jesus about eternal things
3. he rendered honor to Jesus...
Our own salvation is but a whisper away...